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Examples of Writing That Have Emotional Intelligence

from: C Gray

Writers need to keep up with the trends of the different preferences of people in order to keep creating interesting works. This is especially true for non-fiction writers. They need to study the current trends in order to be able to write pieces that can be considered viable in the world of literature.

"Fickle-minded" is a term that comes to mind when describing people. This is because of the fact that people change all the time. They change their preferences in terms of clothing, shelter, entertainment, fashion and a lot of other factors in what people refer to as "life".

One of the latest changes that have hit the world is a change of views about emotions. In the past, people believed that emotions are the direct opposite of rational thought. Many people did not consider the possibility that we had emotions for reasons other than to distract us. People thought that emotions were to be ignored if a person wanted to be successful in life.

However, recent studies have shown that people tend to be more successful if they are emotionally intelligent. That is, they need to have the ability to understand emotions in order to make the right decisions in life. There is proof that emotions work together with intellect in order to help us live a more successful life.

Writers need to consider this shift in thinking when they are working. They need to take into consideration the implications of this revolution and incorporate it into their pieces. They need examples of writing that have emotional intelligence in order to base their works on. How can examples of writing that have emotional intelligence help the writer?

Connection - In the past, nonfiction writers often wrote in a very impersonal manner. They were often advised to leave feelings out of their works. Nowadays however, writers have discovered that they need to include emotions in their work to be able to attract more readers. They need examples of writing that have emotional intelligence in order to learn how to connect with their readers in a deeper level than the intellect.

Of course, people read articles in order to feed their mind. However, readers stick to a writer if the writer touches their emotions in a very profound manner. That is the secret to being a good writer.

Creativity - In order to unleash pent-up creativity, a writer needs to tap into his or her emotions. For some, the first experience of unleashing your emotions into your writing can be a frightfully confusing time. However, with examples of writing that have emotional intelligence, a writer will be able to learn how to channel these emotions properly. The examples of writing that have emotional intelligence may serve as guides, allowing a writer to tap into his or her emotions carefully.

Because of examples of writing that have emotional intelligence, writers will be able to channel their creativity properly and not exhaust their emotional reserves. There is a theory that some writers experience the so-called "writer's block" because the exhaust their supply of emotions. By using examples of writing that have emotional intelligence, they will be able to avoid this catastrophe and continue on writing great pieces.

By making use of emotional intelligence in their work, writers can make sure that they will be able to produce more quality pieces for people to enjoy and learn from.

Christine P Gray is a recognized authority on the subject of emotional intelligence. Her website www.selfimprovementsguide.com provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you will need to know about self improvement. All rights reserved. Articles may be reprinted as long as the content and links remains intact and unchanged.

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