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Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman View

from: christine Gray

Emotional intelligence is just one facet of your personality- 'of your being you'. Experts agree that aside from your intellectual quotient, emotional quotient is a relatively large determinant of how successful you will be in the future. Yes, we make decisions using our intelligence. That is what we use in cranial analysis and for storing information vital to creating the solutions for the conditions we are faced to. For long, many considered the IQ as the only factor that will settle our courses in life.

We are at constant interaction with the fellow sitting next to us. In the process of interaction, many skills are needed to determine if it is successful or detrimental to the person involved. We need social skills, careful analysis, skills to communicate ourselves well and the capacity to channel out things into productive mediums of interaction. All these aside, there are other crucial parts of living that we must learn. Failure to do any one of these will create a domino effect on how well we live our lives and in creating harmonious relationships with ourselves and the people that we are closely related to.

People in the past have failed to consider emotions as a greater part in creating crucial decisions. They even have regarded emotions as the bane of living life fully. Thinking of them as the irritations to proper thinking.

But times required us to change our views and people were born to redirect our thoughts. One of them is the pioneer on emotional intelligence, psychologist and author Daniel Goleman.

Such are the skills covered in our emotional intelligence.

People with high emotional intelligence are seen to standout even when competing with individuals of equally higher IQs. There is no harm in being intelligent though. It is just that in everything, we have to find balance and harmony.

For long, the only determinant of happy living is the ability to think well. But because of the studies Daniel Goleman brought forth and the publication of Emotional Intelligence, the views of people on proper living were radically changed.

Daniel Goleman and his book Emotional Intelligence diverted our focus from higher IQ to higher EQ. Experts have now realized that people who perform well are not only those that are book smarts. In fact, there are numerous cases when the street smarts and emotionally intelligent people reap the gifts of success.

We can determine emotionally intelligent individuals through their display of various behaviors that set them apart from those who have higher intellect but unbalanced emotions.

They are those who have the ability to persevere, empathize and control themselves. They are those who can solve problems using their best judgments and those who have the capacity to interact well with people. They are also those who can control impulses and those who can keep relationships. They appear in many faces and each of them has characteristics different from another.

All these abilities stem down from their capacities to become aware of their own emotions and the emotions that other feel. They have the realization of why and how they react in ways that they do. They, in a way, have higher intrapersonal intelligence as well as social intelligence that are helpful in making judgments and awareness of themselves and the people they are interacting with.

While everybody might not have superior IQs, all men have the equal chances to develop emotional intelligence since this is a very dynamic aspect of personality.

Christine P Gray is a recognized authority on the subject of creativity. Her website www.selfimprovementsguide.com provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you will need to know about self improvement. All rights reserved. Articles may be reprinted as long as the content and links remains intact and unchanged.

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